Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Conceptual troubles

On my way here, I read a book called The Sex Lives of Cannibals by J Maarten Troost. It is the self-deprecating story of a man who moved to a remote atoll (a coral island) in the South Pacific for two years. As I read it, I marveled that our situations were somewhat parallel, if in reverse. (Inversely parallel?)

Over the past week, this passage has particularly resonated:

"We began packing...More difficult was my inability to imagine equatorial heat. 'I don't think you're going to need those,' Sylvia said, observing the wool sweaters I was packing.
"'I'm sure it will be a little cool in the evenings,' I replied. 'Particularly in the winter.'
"'I see. I think, perhaps, you might be having a little conceptual trouble with the idea of living on the equator.'"

Now, allow me to share with you the contents of my top dresser drawer at the moment:

Did you see them? Did you count them? No less than 12 tank tops and 9 T-shirts.

Now, please enjoy the only long-sleeved shirts and socks I brought with me for the month.

I haven't been warm since I landed here.

Additionally, this packing paradox has proved especially problematic the past week. You see, it has been snowing - on and off, just a dusting here and there - but enough that I've been REALLY wanting my full complement of warm clothes...and warm bedding...and warm hats and scarves and boots and gloves.

The colder it gets, the more uncertain the moving company becomes about (1) where all my stuff is, (2) when it will get here, and (3) why I am upset about this. The other new doc in town refers to our contact at the moving company as "the dingbat." She is disinclined to use the phone. She responds to about one in five e-mails. When she says "the 26th," turns out she actually means "the 2nd of the next month...maybe." She didn't think to tell Bethel Bob that I exist and that he'd be picking up and unpacking my shipment.

...which brings me to the sole silver lining of the day - Bethel Bob is awesome, as advertised. Stay tuned for tales of his epic awesomeness.


  1. aww good luck with getting your stuff...can't wait to see pics of your new apartment! xoxo erin

  2. stay warm and please post about bethel bob soon. also, much love for your co-blogger's dating stories. - megan
