Friday, July 27, 2012


Look at us. Aren't we adorable? Heather's the one in blue doubled over in laughter, and Leslie's the one in dark purple sitting scrunched up in a chair like no one ever taught her how to sit properly. Everyone else in the photo is super awesome, too. We love them.

As part of our awesomeness, we both love to tell stories, sometimes embellished for comedic effect, but often bare-bones truth that no one believes could have possibly happened. Trust us; it happened. Just like that. Could we have made that shit up?

For instance, Heather once went on a date with a guy who turned out to be armed, not to mention a bounty hunter. You can't make that up! And Leslie is planning on moving to FRICKIN' ALASKA after spending a month there, during which it was negative 40 degrees for a week. (Not 40 degrees - NEGATIVE 40.) Who would make that up? No one would believe it!

Anyway, given our MTV-worthy true-life exploits, and, goaded on by the lovely Jess Tomas-something (whatever - YOU try to spell her last name!), we gave in to peer pressure and agreed to start this whoosy-whatsit-blog-thing. It will document Heather's continuing adventures in the dating world (which are, alas, much less glamorous than Sex and the City) and Leslie's approaching efforts to stay alive in Bush Alaska, where there is NO TRADER JOE'S (she hasn't made peace with this part yet). We hope you will join us.